Monday, January 2, 2012

Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012

As I write this I wonder how this year will turn out. 2011 wasn't a bad year all in all. Things did seem to go slowly at times and the things I wanted to get accomplished didn't. Not really sure why either. Garden kinda slowly died away, played exactly 21 holes of golf (my favorite sport), and just pretty much blahhed everything else. I will say that I have been itching to move, something, anything. Go see what's out there. Of course I also have to take into consideration a 13 year old. But in the same sense I know he'd be happier somewhere else too. He's not really liking his school and the area in general. I'm not crazy about the climate. WV got hot at times but it can be brutal here in summer. Even temperatures year round are for me. Of course to have that happen, we would have to move, as mentioned before. Employment is another factor. Seems you can't live without money.
Well, after a 4 day weekend it's back to work tomorrow. Something I'm not looking forward to. I can really get used to this not working. But there's that money thing again. As I stated on my gardening blog things are changing this year. Stay tuned!

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